Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Behind the scenes @ Last-Bench! : The Harlem Shake

If you do follow us on any online platform (or have the rare privilege of visiting our top secret office :P) you would have noticed how things are ramping up at LB! Needless to say we are quite excited and just cannot wait for all our labour to bear fruit. But, as the saying goes: All work and no play makes you a first bencher (Okay! that might not be accurate but you get the point!) and true to our Last-Bench! spirit we decided to take a break and have fun... LB STYLE!! Have a look...

So the latest Internet phenomenon is The Harlem Shake (Gangnam Style seems like a million years ago :P) and recently we caught the DIY bug too! So, here's what we came up with! 

The Harlem Shake- Last-Bench! Style 

Statutory warning: This can give you a very ANIMATED response :P

Courtesy: Our awesome Creative Team (who love animation so much that they do it even in their free time! :D)

If you liked this video and would like to see more of the AWESOME stuff we create why not visit us at  https://www.youtube.com/user/easyvocab for more FUN videos (that will also help you learn)! Don't forget to click Subscribe! :D

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